How to Buy Lehi Mills Flour Without a Costco Card

How to Buy Lehi Mills Flour Without a Costco Card

This is a crazy time for Lehi Mills! All of our faithful customers stocked up on their favorite Lehi Mills flour, and we’re overwhelmed with gratitude with the support that you’ve all shown. But, because of all of that support, we’ve temporarily run out of the product available for customer purchase at the mill and online.

Don’t worry though, we still have plenty of flour—it’s just not available at the mill for the time being. We're working to get the mill stocked as quickly as possible, but for now, you can find Lehi Mills flour at Costco! At Lehi Mills, we have product that we’re contractually obligated to sell to retailers like Costco, so that you can buy from them! We understand that not all of you have Costco memberships, but we appreciate you and want you to be able to stock up on your Lehi Mills products, so here’s how to buy Lehi Mills flour without a Costco Card.

How to Buy Lehi Mills Flour from Costco Without a Membership

1. Use a Costco Shop Card

Costco Shop Cards are basically just gift cards, but they act as a temporary membership if you don’t have one. The only problem is, you have to be a member to buy one. So, ask a friend if they’ll pick one up for you on their next Costco run, or have them buy you one online! Simply add some funds to the card, and then you can shop at Costco just like if you had a membership.

2. Go with a Friend

Costco members are allowed to bring two guests with them on each visit. So, ask you neighbor or mother-in-law or friend if you can go with them. You might have to have them buy your flour for you, but hey, that’s what Venmo is for anyway! Make sure that you stay 6 to 10 feet away as you’re shopping with them!

How to Shop Other Costco Products Without a Membership

1. Use Instacart

Instacart is a great option if you don’t have a Costco card. The only problem is Lehi Mills flour isn’t available. But, you can stock up on your other needs. Simply make an account, pick what products you want, and have them delivered to your house. Instacart is only available in some areas, so check to see if delivery from your local Costco is available. Shipping fees could be high, depending on where you live. If you don’t want to pay those fees, you can have them waived by subscribing to Instacart Express, or, you can do the 2-week free trial and cancel your subscription to avoid the $99/year membership fee.

2. Costco online

You can buy Costco products on the Costco website and have them delivered to your house. Unfortunately, Lehi Mills products aren’t available online yet, but you can buy a whole lot of other products that you need. Without a membership, you qualify for 2-day delivery. Here’s the list of available items. Without a Costco membership, you will have to pay surcharges of 5-20%.

Reach out to your local Costco store for updated service information. With all the changes going on, we want to make sure that you get the most current and accurate information. We thank you for your support and patience during this time of uncertainty. We wish all of you health, safety, and most of all, happy quarantine baking!